chag sameach!
How are you celebrating Passover?
This April we want 3 people to win our Passover Meal for 4! Let us help you celebrate Passover with a feast that will wow your guests!
chag sameach!
How are you celebrating Passover?
This April we want 3 people to win our Passover Meal for 4! Let us help you celebrate Passover with a feast that will wow your guests!

Select...Sausalito - 1Grand Central, San Francisco - 2Palo Alto - 3Greenbrae - 4San Bruno - 5Burlingame - 6San Mateo - 7Tower Market, San Francisco - 8Castro - 9
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Passover Contest Disclaimer:

Giveaway ends, April 14th at 11:59 P.M. PST.  Winners must live in the San Francisco Bay Area to be eligible. Winners will be contacted on April 15th, 2024. Winners must respond with customer name and phone number within 24 hours of receiving the “You’re The Winner” E-mail or another winner will be selected. Prize must be picked up at the Mollie Stone’s Store listed in contest entry. If the winner’s prize is not picked up by April 30th, 2024 the prize will no longer be available for pick up. Winners must be email subscribers of Mollie Stone’s Market’s Email Newsletters to be eligible to win. Mollie Stone’s Employees, Vendors, and affiliate are not eligible to win. Good luck! No purchase necessary.